Gal Gadot gives an update on her upcoming movie and explains it takes time to respectfully depict a historical figure such as Cleopatra. Gadot, who is best known for starring in the DC Extended Universe as Wonder Woman and in thefranchise, has been tied to since 2020. The movie was initially to be directed by director Patty Jenkins but has since been passed onto Kari Skogland. Over the past three years, though, updates of the epic movie on the Queen of Egypt have been few and far between.
In an interview with , Gadot gave a promising while explaining why the movie is taking so long to develop.
It’s a big task. I don’t want to [rush] making it— it’s something that much thought and care because it’s Cleopatra. We have incredible writers working on the script—before and after the writer’s strike—like Laeta Kalogridis. It’s a beautiful script. We’re not rushing ourselves because you have to be responsible when you deal with such an incredible, iconic, legendary woman.
Audiences may be wondering why there's so much pressure for to do its portrayal the right way. Part of the reason is the big legacy of Cleopatra. She isn't just any historical figure, but a true legend, as Gadot stated. Cleopatra reigned over Egypt and proved the capability of women in politics as she demonstrated strong leadership and skill during her tenure. She proved herself just as strong a leader as the men who came before her, making Egypt a powerful nation, expanding its territory, and contributing to the arts and sciences.
The tale of her leadership and various love affairs have made her a historical figure who still stirs intrigue for modern audiences. While her legacy may be part of the reason is being so cautious, another factor might be that the movie has already stirred some controversy. as the movie faced allegations of whitewashing the role of Cleopatra. However, the backlash was largely due to misunderstandings of the situation, as critics were disgruntled over an Egyptian actor not being chosen, even though Cleopatra was Macedonian. Many also misunderstood Gadot's background, as she is an Israeli actor of Akshenazi heritage.
Gadot has spoken out, though, and explained her passion and respect for the role, even though she may not be Macedonian, and indicated an interest in . Cleopatra's history has divided some, especially the common labeling of the Queen as a seductress and femme fatale. Given the response to the movie so far and the complicated and extensive history of Cleopatra, it's understandable why Gadot and her creatives want to tread carefully. Gadot's update bodes well for potentially being a careful and nuanced take on the famous queen.